Søndagshygge i SYMB
Vi starter en ny type aktivitet op, når vi fire gange om året inviterer til Sunday Brunch i SYMB. Hver gang vil der ud over morgenmad og mulighed for social hygge folk man kender og folk man kan lære at kende, også være et indlæg.
Første omgang Sunday Brunch er den 19. marts og vi i døbt denne omgang søndagshygge: MEET THE MAYOR, da det er vores borgmester Martin Damm, der vil holde en halv times indlæg om det at være borgmester, hvordan det politiske og administrative system fungerer samt hvad der kendetegner Kalundborg Kommune. Der bliver også tid til et par spørgsmål til borgmesteren.
Dag: Søndag d. 19. marts kl. 10 – 12
Sted: SYMB, Kalundborg station
Priser: 80 kr. for voksne og 40 kr. for studerende samt børn under 12 år
Tilmelding: Mobilepay 23815 – Meet the Mayor
Sunday Brunch At SYMB
We are starting a new initiative! SYMB is hosting a Sunday Brunch which will be held four times a year. In addition to breakfast, socializing with old friends, and meeting new ones, there will be a special presentation at each Sunday Brunch.
The first Sunday Brunch on March 19 is themed: Meet the Mayor, as it will be our Mayor, Martin Damm, who will give a half hour presentation on what it entails to be a mayor, as well as explain the political and administrative system in Kalundborg, and other information about the municipality.
It will be possible to ask the mayor a few questions at the end of the presentation.
Day: Sunday, March 19; 10 – 12 am
Place: SYMB, Kalundborg station
Cost: adults 80 kr. / students and children 40 kr.
Registration: Mobilepay 23815 – meet the mayor